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Paying for something on the Internet?

I know, I know, I am asking a lot of you — especially since most of you have already read this darn thing cover to cover and must be asking, “Steve, why would I pay for something I’ve read for free?”

Well that’s a fine question, one that I hope to answer sufficiently enough in the following sales pitch.

All the Little Things is what they will soon call a “continuously updated informational vector.” In non-made-up terms, that means that I fix things and add things all the time, and I save those additional gems of wisdom for people who are willing to put down the price of 2.5 Vanilla Lattes to get at them.

Interested yet? Well hold your horses and read the boilerplate.

Get all the updates, additional information and special features for the low, low price of $9.99.

As a part of the package, you will also receive a copy of this volume of All the Little Things in PDF format so that you can print it, read it on your mobile device or otherwise take it with you wherever you go. I will personally send you an email with the link to download it after I receive your payment.

Finally, you get the warm fuzzy feeling that comes from supporting an author who has taken the time to give you something useful, and you encourage him (me) to use this same model for future book releases. Pay it forward.

Sold yet? I thought so.

Currently we are accepting payments through Paypal, so to begin your order process click on the link below.